CDp x cdp company collab: The monthly wellness series

CDP Company was founded by CDP Director, Anna Cerveny in 2019, as a wellness company that fuses dance into everyday life. As a Dance Rehabilitative Physical Therapist and a passionate advocate for the health benefits of lifelong movement, Anna noticed that there was a need in the community for a company of dancers to inspire, educate, and support adults in injury prevention and in learning ways to integrate movement into daily life: and the non-profit CDP Company was born to serve adult dancers and non-dancers alike. CDP Company is the only dance and wellness company in the area directed by a healthcare professional.

CDP Company is a 501c3 professional wellness and contemporary dance company that provides education for adult dancers and non-dancers, educates the community on the benefits of movement, and creates works that spark thoughtful engagement

This series is designed for the adult mover to take their mental & physical wellbeing to the next level